一场数字医疗行业交流的盛会 A Communication Platform for Digital Health
2019年3月27日晚,艾社康联合Singtel Innov8和 WeWork在上海成功举办了本季度的未来健康行业合作伙伴与导师交流酒会。40余位来自艾社康全球合作伙伴与导师网络的行业专家出席了活动。嘉宾们来自包括医疗服务、健康科技、健康产业投资与研究等众多领域,围绕“数字医疗”这一主题展开了热烈的交流。
The Health Futures program in China recently held a special Industry Leaders Networking Reception in collaboration with the Singtel Innov8 Ventures and WeWork in Shanghai. The event took place on March 27, 2019. The Event, held at WeWork (Shanghai Landmark Center), focused on the development of digital health industry in China and Asia Pacific. More than fourty mentors and partners from various sectors of healthcare service, health technologies, investment, and health policy and research participated in the session.
Shawn Gu, Communications Manager of the Health Futures program in China welcomed the guests with an opening remark. He introduced the recent progress and plans of the Health Futures program in China. He emphasized the role of being the global health innovation partner to promote high quality and affordable healthcare.
随后,来自活动合作伙伴之一的WeWork代表,WeWork星荟中心店社区主管Leila Deng女士也对嘉宾的到来表达了热烈欢迎,并向与会者介绍了WeWork作为全球领先的联合办公空间,致力于搭建舒适活力的创新社区空间的宗旨。
WeWork Community Director (Landmark Center) Leila Deng also delivered a brief welcoming speech to the audience. Leila introduced the community environment and culture of WeWork to provide comfortable and creative working space.
三场精彩丰富的主题演讲 Three Insightful Keynote Speeches
Singtel Innov8 Ventures(新电投资)中国区负责人苏放先生进行了主题为“亚太地区数字医疗产业机遇”的主题演讲。苏放先生拥有12年股权并购、战略投资和投资顾问经验,并对整个亚太市场有着深入的洞察。他首先介绍了Singtel集团的概况和其世界性的业务网络分布。随后,他深入浅出地分析了亚太地区医疗卫生的市场情况。他认为数字科技作为目前医疗领域的一大热点,基于亚太地区尚未完善且需求巨大的医疗健康市场,有非常广阔的前景和发展机遇。在演讲最后,苏放先生介绍了新电投资最新参投的两家数字医疗企业,CXA Group 和 Halodoc,阐述了其如何通过智能科技与数字化平台赋能新一代医疗健康服务。
Mr. Danny Su, China director of Singtel Innov8 delivered a keynote speech with the topic of The Market Opportunities of Digital Health in ASEAN. Mr. Su had over a decade of experience in merge and acquisition, strategy investment, and investment consultation with a deep understanding of the market in Asia. Mr. Su first introduced the global business network of Singtel Group, followed by an overview of the health market in different Asian countries. He believed that, based on the development stage of the health systems and the increasing needs of healthcare services, digital health would have its unique and promising spot in the health sector. He used the two examples of CXA Group and Halodoc, to showcase how intelligent technology and digital platform transformed a new generation of healthcare services. Both companies recently received a new series of investment participated by Singtel Innov8.
Mr. Han Yan, Strategy Director of PingAn Good Doctor delivered a keynote speech focusing on the Internet plus Healthcare in China. Mr. Yan had an experience in healthcare, digital technologies, and strategy development for more than a decade years. He analyzed the current situation and the trends of the Internet plus Healthcare in China. He concluded the three trends in the sector, ecosystem platform versus vertical category, online and offline integration, and from 2C to 2B business. He illustrated the development strategy of PingAn Good Doctor in respond to the trends.
Dr. Zhongyuan Li, president of BUMA Healthcare delivered a keynote speech to share his insights of digital health innovations. Dr. Li is an expert in big data analysis and digital health services and management. He explained how digital health empowered the universal health coverage and medical resource management. He introduced examples of using big data analysis and artificial intelligence to increase the proportion of commercial insurance in health coverage to promote better healthcare to patients.
一场跨国界、跨领域的圆桌论坛 A Cross Border and Cross Industry Panel Discussion
吴佩声 新加坡经济发展局署长
陶冶 CXA Group 合伙人,上海办公室总经理
刘子煜 依图医疗品牌市场总监
樊旖斐 AXA安盛亚洲实验室业务拓展经理
李林国 艾社康高级顾问
A panel discussion followed, focused on the understanding of key factors in the development of digital health. Four panelists from multidisciplinary sectors of healthcare joined the discussion to explore the challenges and opportunities of digital health. Ms. Linguo Li, senior consultant of Health Futures moderated the panel discussion.
The panelists included:
Pei Sheng Goh, Regional Vice President of Singapore Economic Development Board;
Allen Tao, Partner and General Director of Shanghai Office of CXA Group;
Ziyu Liu, Marketing Director of YITU Medical;
Yifei Fan, Business Development Manager of AXA Lab Asia
在活动最后,嘉宾与到场的导师们进行了深入热烈的交流,促进国内国际知识交换,为未来的合作发展奠定了坚实基础。再次感谢所有嘉宾的参与出席,以及Singtel Innov8和WeWork大力支持。相信大家的齐心协力与不懈努力会有效带动中国医疗养老行业的发展与突破。
At the end of the event, the guests and our mentors joined together for a meaningful networking session. Guests took the opportunity to exchange the knowledge and to explore future collaboration opportunities. Thanks again to all the guests for the participation, especially the support from Singtel Innov8 and WeWork. It is our privilege to hold such event to promote the cross sector communications for the development of future health systems.